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Have you seen these new photos of actress Kate Henshaw?

New photos of the Veteran actress/fitness enthusiast, Kate Henshaw have surfaced online. The actress is one of the Nigerian celebrities who has earned herself quite a lot of fans who see her as a role model.

See photos below…

Ever since her break into Nollywood in 1993,the sexy health freak has continued to maintain a healthy career even as she gets older.

For the 46-year-old mother of one who seems to get wiser with age, she gives all forms of inspiration she can offer to the public in every given opportunity.

Kate recently took to social media to share a rather inspiring message, preaching about self-love and acceptance of oneself.

Sharing an amazing photo of herself before and after makeup, she accompanied it with a beautiful message:
“The older I get.. the more confident and content I am in my space/lane. Confident in who I am and whose I am…”I am the Apple of His eye” The more I value positive relationships…those who encourage, push you and lift up your spirit…

No time for negative opinions in any shape or form…It’s not about things but people… having lost all I had a few years ago in a fire outbreak, material things mean less to me…My spirit craves to be filled with good vibes only and always..Learn to be your own best friend..Good morning dears.. Do you…all day, everyday!!!You are the only original of yourself!!!”

Not only is the star actress good at preaching self-love, she also knows how to motive people into being patriotic citizens of Nigeria.

In one of her recent posts, she shared reasons why she believed in the country. Praising Nigerians for being hardworking, she said it was unacceptable for Nigerians to let culture, tribe and other negativity cause disunity amongst them.

All the best to the actress.

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